Saturday, March 31, 2007
March 2007
The Board took the opportunity to purchase stocks during the "dark days" in the beginning of March. A.f.f.e invested SEK40.000:- (Cash) in Health Care, Capital Goods (Alfa Laval, Atlas Copco, Sandvik) and Energy industries (Eon, Vestas), and repositioned SEK10.000:- (portfolio) in the Financial sector (Swedbank, SEB). Our monthly savings was invested equally (SEK675:-) in Elekta, Q-Med, Getinge, Apple, which are less sensitive sectors to changes in the business cycle.
Our position in cash was decreased by -37,8% due to excellent purchase opportunities. New cash position is 9,8%. Our exposure to high risk investments has increased to 13,2% (63.158:-), which is above our target of 10%.
Stars in March are Axis (+25%), Q-Med (+21,7%), Electrolux (+12,7%) and Apple (+11,7%), which accounts for 14,9% (SEK64.631:-) of A.f.f.e. The Board used March and its volatile behavior to increase investments in Q-Med and Apple. Bad performer in March was Elekta (-16,2%), which the Board took as an opportunity to increase by 100% (SEK5.000:- in cash).
Good sector development in Consumer Cyclicals (+9,7% excl. inv.), Utilities (+8,5%) and Capital Goods (+4,8%). Finance sector is decreasing (-2,3%) due to uncertainty in global financial markets.
Currently, A.f.f.e needs an additional +3,6% growth to hit the first individual target - a value of SEK50.000/per membership - which is a nice figure halfway to a small car. Maybe in April?
Monday, March 26, 2007
Simcorp - har närmast monopol på mjukvara till asset management i Danmark och står inför ett genombrott i USA. Aktien har gatt fran DKK140 mars 2003 till DKK1180 mars 2007.
"SimCorp is a leading supplier of highly specialised software and expertise for financial institutions and corporations – activities, which have established our reputation as "the house of financial know-how"."
Jag föreslar en investering pa SEK10.000:- med finansiering inom teknologiportföljen förslagvis SEK5.000:- fran vardera Ericsson och IBM. Investeringen far initialt ses som en krydda.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Profit Realization Electrolux
I recommend a decrease by SEK8.000:- (28.000:- to 20.000:-).
Profit Realization SCA
I recommend a decrease by SEK16.000:-.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Risk Strategy
To minimize exposure to risk in 2007 the board will continue to develop the two variables.
- Cash Policy - A.f.f.e has about SEK43.000:- in cash (10%), which is a decrease by approx. 50% (SEK87.000:-) since Jan 1st 2007. Wealth is not created in the bank account (as if shareholder value was created in the accounting department...). My recommendation to the board is to increase our cash policy to 25% by the end of May.
- Portfolio diversification - the board will continue to actively implement the recommended portfolio diversification (see other post) during Q2 2007. My recommendation to members of the board is to take an active approach to this task.
Consumer Staples (non-cyclical)
- Axfood (Hemköp, Willys, Dagab och Axfood Närlivs, Sweden)
- Haakon Invest (Ica, Sweden)
- Oriflame (hudvård, färgkosmetik, dofter, toalettartiklar och accessoarer, Sweden)
- Swedish Match (snus och tobak, Sweden)
- McDonald´s (USA)
- PepsiCo (USA)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
AFFE sänker inköpskurs i Elekta
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Portföljvärde 2007-03-20
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Medvind för vindkraften
Läs en intressant artikel om Vestas på E24
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Monthly investment for March made at AIV
- Apple Inc 675 SEK (1.04467 shares á 90.41305 USD)
- Q-Med 675 SEK (6.63931 shares á 100.5375 SEK)
- Elekta 675 SEK (4.98599 shares á 133.875 SEK)
- Getinge 675 SEK (4.38064 shares á 152.375 SEK)
AFFE invests in Wind Power related shares
The investment will be made at 14.00 2007-03-16.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Kurspriser vid Andelsorder på Aktieinvest
Köpkurs beräknas som
- Köpkurs = Dagshögsta - 0,05 * (Dagshögsta - Dagslägsta)
Säljkurs beräknas som
- Säljkurs = Dagslägsta + 0,05 * (Dagshögsta - Dagslägsta)
1) Att Ericsson kommer fortsätta växa är ju inget vi tvekar pa men skall vi exponera oss mot Ericsson när det kanske finns andra mer växande markander?
2) Om Svanberg fullbordat sin strategiska uppgift och meddelar att han övergar i annan roll (kanske koncernchef/ordförande) hur kommer da aktien att reagera?
Sedan toppen pa 30:- har A.f.f.e "tappat" ca SEK9000:-. "It sucks" att sälja runt 24-25:- men vad göra? Sannolikheten att Ericsson springer upp dessa nivaer igen (30:-) kortsiktigt är inte stora. Kanske den rör sig uppat snart igen och da är det en bra investering men vad tror styrelsen? Ericsson är langsiktigt en bra investering.
Förslag pa minskning med SEK10.000:-.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Recommendation is to slowly increase through monthly investments (SEK1.000:-).
Health Care Sector no. 2
The Health Care sector can be divided into three main categories:
- Big pharmaceuptical companies such as AstraZeneca, Johnson&Johnson, Novartis, etc. They are profitable but with a modest-low growth. They have difficulties in taking projects to the market. Main focus are to cut costs.
- Research & Development companies such as Genmab and Alk-Abello. The Nordic stock market have approx. 50 companies with an estimated market value of SEK50 billion. Losses in 2006 were SEK2 billion but will be reduced by half in 2007. Genmab and Alk-Abello accounts for approx. SEK35 billion. They are at the forefront and have announced agreements with Glaxo Smith Kline and Schering-Plough. This type of agreements will increase and create opportunities.
- Medical Industry & Health Care are a third group. Have stronger growth but similar low risk profile. Nordic stocks can be divided into three subgroups: Medical Equipment (Elekta, Getinge), Medical Articles (Coloplast, Ambu), and Consumer products (Nobel Biocare, Q-Med, William Demant)
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Portfolio Analysis
- Consumer Staples (non-cyclicals), SEK25.000 (currently SEK0:-)
- Consumer Discretionary, SEK 43.000 (currently SEK75.000)
- Energy, SEK53.000 (currently SEK0:-)
- Financials, SEK96.000 (currently SEK37.500)
- Health Care, SEK47.000 (currently SEK48.500)
- Industrials, SEK65.000 (currently SEK15.000:-)
- IT & Telecommunication, SEK55.000 (currently SEK102.300)
- Materials, SEK21.500 (currently SEK36.000)
- Utilities, SEK7.000 (currently SEK0:-)
- Funds, SEK0:- (currently SEK30.500)
Consumer Staples: A.f.f.e has an underweight. Buy SEK25.000 in McDonald´s, Altria, PepsiCo.
Consumer Discretionary: A.f.f.e has a SEK30.000:- overweight (Apple, E-lux, Clas Ohlson, MTG and Tele2). The sector enjoying high demand at this phase of a business cycle. New additions through diversification could be Comcast (cable), Discovery Holdings (TV), Next, H&M, RnB, Gant, Kappahl (clothing), Altria (tobacco), TeliaSonera, AT&T, China Mobile (cable+operator), Time Warner (content).
Energy: A.f.f.e has an underweight. Buy SEK50.000 in Vestas, Eon (wind), Statoil, PA Resources (oil), Monsanto (växtskydd), Deere (tractors for alt. fuel), Q-cells (solar power), Schlumberger (services within oil sector).
Financials: A.f.f.e has an underweight (Nordea, SHB). Buy SEK50.000 in Kaupthing, Charles Schwab, Prudential, Merril Lynch, JP Morgan (saving products), China Life Insurance (insurance).
Health Care: A.f.f.e has a good balance (AstraZeneca, Novartis, Getinge, Elekta, Q-Med). An addition through diversification could be Potash, a Canadian company enjoying big demand for its fertilizers in the developing world.
Industrials: A.f.f.e has an underweight (Orkla). Buy SEk45.000 in ABB, AlfaLaval, AtlasCopco, Boeing, Sandvik, Scania, Skanska, SKF, Volvo. Orkla is a mix of consumer products, supplier of special materials such as aluminum and silicon, and financial investments.
IT & Telecommunication (incl. services): A.f.f.e has a SEK50.000:- overweight (Boss, Ericsson, Axis, IBM, TietoEnator. New additions through diversifications could be Google (internet).
Materials: A.f.f.e has a good sector balance but exposed to one stock (SCA). Buy SSAB (steel), Boliden (mining), Monsanto (växtskydd) through diversification.
Utilities: A.f.f.e has an underweight. Buy gas (Russian?), electric (Vattenfall), and water utility companies. No concrete suggestion.
Please respond during 5/3-9/3.
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Health Care Sector
Vad gäller bioteknik är dessa just nu i fokus (och dyra?) p g a den ökande trenden av strategiska allianser mellan forskningsbolag och läkemedelsindustrin. Det är mer och mer tydligt att de sistnämnda kommer att fa svarare att finansiera sin forskning genom höga priser pa olika nationella marknader. De nationella kontrollfunktionerna har blivit tuffare med att godkänna preparat. Alltsa flyttas fokus fran intern forskning till extern forskning och da framförallt till goda relationer med bioteknikbloag. Ser vi ett paradigmskifte inom denna sektor? Kommer detta fa större strukturella konsekvenser pa sikt? Tunga retoriska fragor....
Outlook (October 2006)
* Företagen. Finanserna är starka, lönsamheten på topp och det är oväntat bradrag i orderböckerna. Företagsenkäter tyder på att även nästa omgångkvartalsrapporter kan ge positiva överraskningar (sa blev det). Faran är de högre kostnadernaför främst energi och råvaror, som hotar att knäcka lönsamheten.
* Värderingarna. 2006 ars börsuppgång på över 16 procent har gått hand i hand medhöjda vinstprognoser för företagen. Därför är värderingen sett till väntadevinster och räntenivå inte orimlig.
* Räntan. Marknadsräntorna har krupit upp en bit efter att Europeiskacentralbanken och Riksbanken anslutit till USA:s åtstramande politik.
* Flödet. Aktiviteten på börserna är hög. Under aret har index presats av attstora utdelningar lämnar bolagen, vilket samtidigt innebär ett tillskott avlikviditet att placera. Riskaptiten saknas inte.
* Osäkerhet. Börsen har börjat röra sig kraftigt i samband medkvartalsrapportern under hösten 2006. Efter att börsbolagen lämnat styrkebesked harkurserna hämtat sig snabbt. Kursrörelserna visar att läget har blivitömtåligare. Om fler rapporter inte motsvarar förväntningarna kan en svackaframöver i stället bli djupare. Blir börsen skakig kan defensiva placeringar komma mer i ropet. Ett visst skyddmot kursfall finns också i bolag på väg att knoppa av delar, eller där detligger ett bud. Summa summarum - minska riskexponering genom att avyttra aktier med högre risksamt öka geografisk spridning. Öka i stabila innehav. Förvänta oss lägreavkastnnig.
REC Group
- the world’s largest manufacturer of polycrystalline silicon and silicon wafers
for the production of solar cells - a strategic and long-term partner since Q-Cells´ production startup
- technology leader in polycrystalline silicon production (e.g. Fluidized bed polysilicon deposition expected for 2008)
The Solar industry is about to take us with storm the coming 10-15 years. We have an ownership in this company through the Norwegian Orkla, which has a 40% share in REC.