Tillgångsslag SEK Andel
Likvida medel 100 867,80 22,41%
Aktier 315 927,96 70,18%
Fonder 33 368,20 7,41%
Summa 450 163,95 100,00%
This blog tries to identify the overall changes in the macro environment and with a special focus on economy. To know the future we have learn from the past!
Tillgångsslag SEK Andel
Likvida medel 100 867,80 22,41%
Aktier 315 927,96 70,18%
Fonder 33 368,20 7,41%
Summa 450 163,95 100,00%
Resultatet av denna räkneövning blev att varje medlem skall i sin deklaration ta upp en reavinst om 3768 kronor som gjorts i AFFEs namn.
Om ni har några frågor angående deklarationen, maila mig gärna på min hotmail adress.
A decision to sell a number of shares in the portfolio was taken by the board on April 4th. The reason for selling is the different signs we have seen which indicate that a probable dip is approaching during the coming year.
The following shares have been sold as of today:
The sale resulted in a SEK4.613:- profit which is taxable in 2008 (-SEK1.384:- or SEK154.- per person). The average Return On Investment (ROI) was 8.5%. However, 66% of the ROI is related to SCA, which value has been built up over a couple of years. Still a positive contribution to A.f.f.e wealth development.
After having sold these shares, about 25% (SEK101.000:-) of the assets in A.f.f.e are now in cash. The current plan is to keep about 25% of the portfolio's value outside of the stockmarket until a dip comes. This money will be invested at a later stage when the individual share prices are more attractive.
Thomas and Patrik